Qt / C++ infos
Qt for Android Automotive 6.8.2 is released
The latest patch release for Android Automotive 6.8.2 is just released. This release is based on Qt LTS 6.8.2 with 450 bug fixes, security updates, and other improvements done to Qt base. There are no additional Qt for Android Automotive features delivered with 6.8.2.
Qt for MCUs 2.8.2 LTS released
Which is the best LLM for prompting QML code (featuring DeepSeek v3)
QHacks 2025: A Showcase of Talent and Innovation in Software Hackathon at Queens University
QHacks, an annual hackathon event hosted by Queens University in Kingston, Canada, brought together 330 talented computer science and engineering students from nearby universities for a weekend of coding. This year, the event, held at the end of January, centered around AI,offering students a chance to showcase their skills in this exciting field. Alongside the main hackathon projects, students had the chance to participate in several smaller challenges, and at the end of the hackathon, each team pitched their project to the judges. The hackathon, sponsored by the Qt Group, was organized by dedicated students who ensured its smooth operation.
Qt 6.8.2 Released
We have released Qt 6.8.2 today. As a patch release, Qt 6.8.2 does not introduce new features but contains more than 450 bug fixes, security updates, and other improvements to the top of the Qt 6.8.1 release. See more information about the most important changes and bug fixes from Qt 6.8.2 release note.
CodeLlama-13B-QML Released on Hugging Face
We have released CodeLlama-13B-QML Large Language Model for QML code completion onHugging Face.
Feb 1-2: Meet us at FOSDEM!
Qt Creator 16 Beta released
We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 16 Beta!
Emoji in Qt 6.9
Emoji are quirky and fun, but it's also one of the world's most popular writing systems. In 2022 it was estimated that 92% of the world's online population used emoji for expressing themselves.
Supporting color fonts is a pre-requisite for supporting emoji, and Qt has had such support on macOS and iOS since Qt 5.2. For Windows and Linux/Android (Freetype), support came a bit later, in Qt 5.7. But as the domain has evolved, Qt has not quite kept up with everything. In Qt 6.9 we fill in the gaps and modernize our emoji/color font support across all platforms.
QtCS25: May 7-8 Save the Date!